Wednesday, 21 December 2011

Prussian Kur.Rgt. 12

Fromt Rank 28mm flags by GMB

Friday, 25 November 2011

Pomeranian hussars for Pz. Ferdinand

Pomeranian hussars for my chum  Pz. Ferdinand, 28mm Crusader...
so the phone rang on Sunday. evening ."Do you have six hussars in mirliton?", "Yes." I replied and in between  having the most stressful week in my life for  the last 6 years I finished them up this arvo..they proved  relaxing  during the hurly burly..If one is in great  turmoil( the "have the cats put down and plan to live in your car" sort of stress) I suggest you paint some hussars,,and to make the most of it do skewbalds and piebalds..

Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Monday, 14 November 2011

Minden Miniatures French

22 men on foot  1 on a horse , unbased 

Friday, 28 October 2011

His Britannic Majesty's Generals , for Captain Spigott..

 Front Rank & Foundry 28mm
Hanoverian General Wagenheim

British Command  Foundry

Hessian Commander

Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Prussian Command

Front Rank Seydlitz and  officer ..

Warlord Games Duke of Cumberland

and Front Rank hound..

Minden Miniatures colonel of the French Infantry Rgt Royal Vaisseaux

Front Rank Hanoverian General..

in the uniform of IR von Sporcken

I did a little greenstuff work on the queue and the sidebobs...

Hessian command,1760

Front Rank, warlord dog

In the uniform of the Foot Guards 1760

Thursday, 6 October 2011

Sunday, 25 September 2011


these all from the foundry set

 Two Foundry and the dog from Mega Minis

A Werebear encounter....Will Hauptmann Keinnahmen make it???

Reaper  Were-bear...

The Kremsmunster Von Simpsons

Graf Homer, Grafin Marjorie and young  Bartholomew

Tuesday, 20 September 2011

Caribbean capers for Pz.Ferdinad

for my chum Pz Ferdinand..these are all Foundry and are  part of the Pz.'s continuing RPG18th C /Pulp interests.These would be good for Songs of Drums and Sombreros